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Longshaw Community Junior School

Success for all - nothing less

Admission Arrangments

Our admission arrangements are detailed on the Local Authority's admissions website. 

If you need any further support or guidance, do not hesitate to contact the school directly on 01254 296450 and ask for Mr Berry. 



A key message from the Local Authority


If your child is seeking admission to a Junior School (i.e. the child is in Year 2 at an Infant School/Primary school and wishes to move to a Junior School which admits pupils in the normal admissions round at the beginning of Year 3), then you MUST still apply for your child to be admitted into Year 3 at that school. Even if there is a linked Infant School children do not have an automatic right to transfer from the Infant School to the Junior School (e.g. Longshaw Infant School and Longshaw Junior School).
