National Services
Name | Description | Website | Phone Number | Other contact options |
Mind | Offers advice and support for anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Resources on their website, including information on different mental health topics. |
| 0300123 3393 |
Samaritans | Free confidential information and advice on drugs for adults, parents and carers. |
| 116 123 | Email: |
SHOUT | Free confidential and anonymous text service for anyone who needs mental health support | www.giveusashout.og
| Text: 85258 |
Kooth | A digital mental health support service for children and young people. Has easy access to online peers and counsellors. | |
Childline | 24/7 free confidential service for anyone up to the age of 19 years. Trained counsellors offer support, advice and help. Also resources on the website | | 0800 1111 |
Stem4 | A charity which supports mental health in teenagers and young people. It offers resources, information and a library of free mental health apps for young people (self harm, eating disorders, addiction, anxiety, depression) | |
Local Services
Name | Description | Website | Phone Number | Other contact options |
Wellbeing, Mental Health Helpline and Texting Service | Provided by Lancashire Care Foundation Trust. Offers help, advice, mental health assessments and referrals. Can also be contacted by anyone looking for advice if they are worried about someone else.
| 0800 915 4640 |
| |
Lancashire Mind | Local service for anyone needing mental health support. |
| 01257 231660 | Email: admin@la |