Please take the time to look through the current range of clubs that we offer. We work hard to ensure we provide a rich and diverse experience for the children covering a wide range of interests. The majority of our clubs are run by teaching staff who are committed to developing the children's skills in an after school environment.
Whenever external providers are used, they first interviewed to assess their suitability. All coaches are CRB checked and have first aid training. We work hard with external providers to get parents the very best deal for a quality service. We are currently working with Sportscool who provide are first-class service which is superb value. The feedback we have received from parents has been excellent!
Our extended provision runs before, during and after school, resulting in a wide range of activities and pursuits for the children to experience. We are always open to listening to thoughts and suggestions you may have about our extended schools provision. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please contact Mr Berry.