National Services
Name | Description | Website | Phone Number | Other contact options |
Stepchange | Free debt advice and money support and guidance. Also have information via their website including an online debt advice tool. |
| 0800 138 1111 |
National Debt Advice | Free confidential advice to help people explore all their options in relation to debt and money worries. |
| 0161 757 0060 |
Citizens Advice Bureau | Online free advice around money worries and living costs. Can support with referrals to local food banks. |
Shelter | Offer financial, welfare and housing advice. |
| 0344 515 1831 | Email: |
Local services
Name | Description | Website | Phone Number | Other contact options |
BwD Help Hub | Support people in Blackburn with a variety of concerns and worries including finance, access to food and employment/training |
| 01254 588111 |
Rummage Rescuers | Can offer assistance for people requiring preloved school uniform and home appliances |
| 0300 123660 |
Blackburn Food Bank | Provides 3 days of food for people and families needing emergency help. Vouchers are needed to access this service and are available via Citizens Advice, Children’s Centres and health visitors. |
| 01254 672756 |